Remington Lights – Home Improvement Tips & Advice

Six Deer-Resistant Herbs You Should Know About

There are a lot of culinary, aromatic and deer resistant herbs that can help you with deer problems. Sage, for example, is one of the most common herbs used to repel deer. Sage is botanically known as Salvia officinalis, and comes in a wide variety of colors, including purple, pink, and red. Other culinary and aromatic herbs include Catnip, Germander, and Origanum, which are all known as deer repellents. You can also try lavender, which is sometimes referred to as Lavender Cotton.


Verbenas are herbaceous perennials that are somewhat deer resistant. They have narrow, lance-shaped leaves and lavender-colored inflorescences. They can grow in USDA zones 5 through 11. This plant is drought-tolerant, so it will not succumb to deer damage if you forget to water it. It will still produce flowers even if you forget to water it. You can feed it every few weeks to keep it healthy and looking its best.


Deer aren’t particularly fond of Snapdragons, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t plant them in your garden. Although deer won’t typically eat them, they will occasionally feast on them when food is scarce. If you don’t want to deal with deer invading your garden, plant your Snapdragons in the outer part of the garden. In addition to their deer-resistance, Snapdragons also make a beautiful summer flowering plant.


Yarrow is a perennial plant with fern-like leaves. It grows two to four feet tall, depending on the variety. It needs full sun and a moderate amount of moisture. The pungent aroma of the flowers deters deer from eating the plant. Depending on the cultivar, yarrow can tolerate dry soil and moderate heat. It can be divided every two or three years. Plants in this herbaceous perennial grow best in well-drained soil that is not rich or heavy.


Marjoram is a perennial herb that thrives in sun or partial shade. Its preferred soil is moist and has good drainage. It can be grown from seed but is more commonly propagated from root cuttings. It is deer resistant compared to most other herbs. Marjoram is very versatile and grows well in pots, hanging baskets, and the ground. Here are some tips for growing marjoram in your garden:


Whether you have a vegetable garden or a flower bed, oregano can help keep your deer away. Deer have a strong sense of smell, and plants with a strong fragrance can fool their noses. Since deer don’t like the scent of oregano, the smell will keep them away from your garden. This is why oregano is a deer resistant herb.


If you’d like to grow a deer-resistant herb garden, thyme is the perfect plant to try. This perennial herb belongs to the Allium genus, which also includes onions, garlic, and shallots. Because of its strong scent and spiky leaves, chives aren’t attractive to deer and they don’t eat them. But if you’d like a more attractive herb for your yard, consider planting chives. They can be started from seeds, bulbs, or division. They require full sun and a well-drained soil.

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