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Different Types of Sound Barriers to Reduce Train Noise Pollution: A Definitive Guide

A sound barrier, also referred to as a noise barrier, sound berm, sound wall, or acoustical barrier, is an exterior structure specifically designed to protect inhabitants of sensitive land use regions from noise pollution. Noise barriers have come across the best possible way to quieten the surroundings adjacent to the stretch of railway tracks. This article talks about different types of noise barriers that can be used as railway noise barriers.

  • Wood Barrier

Wood fences, like a closed-boarded acoustic timber fence with no air gaps or damage, can work well in many cases. If a sound wall has to be erected anywhere far from the railway stretch then wooden railway noise barriers are an appropriate choice. Some wood fence options also provide added absorptive and reflective properties, depending on the type of noise one is dealing with.

  • Metal Barrier

Metal barriers are impressive structures to reduce train noise pollution due to their modular construction. They are not only cost-effective but also easy and quick to install. There are also absorptive options to prevent sound from reflecting or bouncing around. One major benefit of using steel to create a noise barrier is that steel can be molded in several ways to meet specific barrier requirements.

  • Brick or Concrete Barrier

Brick or concrete barrier is a solid long-term investment due to the material’s long-lasting and durable properties. This is the reason why such barriers exist along the majority of railway tracks and highways throughout the world. Brick or concrete walls can be an attractive and viable option to reduce railway air pollution.

It is because of natural high mass/ density material that brick and precast concrete can reduce noise to a great extent and, thus, are worth considering in high noise polluted regions. This particular material is an excellent choice for reflecting and redirecting sound to other places due to its highly reflective qualities.

  • Earth Berms or Bund barrier (Wall of Earth)

Walls of earth, or earth berms, or bund barriers, are an excellent way to reduce the amount of noise coming from trains. These barriers can be built in numerous ways. A well-built earth berm will not only reduce noise pollution but also will be very aesthetically pleasing. Also, such barriers are eco-friendly options. However, it requires considerable effort to construct these berms.

  • Gabion Walls

Gabion walls are robust, cost-effective, and attractive boundary markers for reducing railway noise. As sound barrier, these barriers can be highly effective but requires thickness and height. A gabion wall must be at least two meters thick to reduce the noise from the trains.


The railway is one primary mode of transportation that contributes to noise pollution to a great extent. With the world becoming more aware of reducing pollution, even noise pollution, the need for railway noise barriers has been felt. The above-mentioned were some different sound barriers that can be used to reduce train noise pollution.

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